About us
Fikra for Studies and Development
Fikra for Studies and Development (FikraSD) is an independent, non-partisan Sudanese think tank dedicated to promoting democracy, peace and progressive change via research, dialogue, and policy analysis on critical issues facing Sudan.
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About FikraSD
Fikra for Studies and Development (FikraSD) is an independent, non-partisan Sudanese think tank dedicated to promoting democracy, peace and progressive change via research, dialogue, and policy analysis on critical issues facing Sudan
Our programs are dedicated to understanding the nature of and finding solutions to major public problems. FikraSD seeks to redefine the boundaries of possibility, offering a comprehensive pathway towards a prosperous, peaceful, stable and progressive future for the nation.
By transforming visionary ideas into tangible outcomes, we aim to create a measurable and positive impact on the socioeconomic landscape of Sudan.
Licensed Mentors
FikraSD is a listed independent non-profit, non-governmental organization, under the registration certificate number 63746 issued by the Registrar General on June 23, 2021
Fikra for Studies and Development
Our programs are dedicated to understanding the nature of and finding solutions to major public problems.
FikraSD seeks to redefine the boundaries of possibility, offering a comprehensive pathway towards a prosperous, peaceful, stable and progressive future for the nation
Strategic Objectives
The crux of our strategic approach is the cultivation of strong partnerships and alliances that range from local grassroots organizations and initiatives to international stakeholders, development and peace partners; fostering these connections to enhance efforts to achieve our goals
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